Frequently asked questions about islam course for adults
Fiqh, Aqidah, Hadith, Islamic history, and interpretations of the Qur’an? The righteousness of the heart and removing its heedlessness Knowledge is an honor, and it is the righteousness for the heart, the mind, and the tongue. Knowledge is the path that leads to Allah Almighty.
Knowledge begets fear, and the relationship between knowledge of Allah Almighty, and the lack of knowledge depends on the lack of fear, and its increase with its increase, for knowledge brings about fear, and fear is the entrance to knowledge, and the evidence for that is the saying of Allah Almighty “Only those fear Allah, from among His servants who know”.
Seeking knowledge
It is a reason to please Allah Almighty.
Lifting Ignorance
From the Nation, Ignorance is the scourge of nations, and there is no nation among the nations that prevailed except that it was due to the increase of adult islamic classes knowledge , and it vanished because of a lack of knowledge, and if Allah Almighty wanted to destroy a nation, the knowledge would be stripped from islamic classes for adults.
Entering Jannah
The relationship between seeking knowledge to entering Jannah is in two ways: The first: is that seeking knowledge is an act of worship. Second: Acquiring knowledge makes the learner aware of what is permissible and what is forbidden. He avoids sins and does good, and this leads to entering Jannah.
The course covers all the essential aspects of knowledge every Muslim has to learn islamic classes for adults, starting from the basics of Aqidah (creed) to the deep Tafseer of the Quran.
It includes (Aqidah, Fiqh, Hadith, Serrah, and interpretations of the Quran).
Aqidah(Islamic Creed):
It is divided into three levels:
In the first level in which Muslims learn everything about Islam as a religion. It is a gateway to understanding Islam for Muslims or non-Muslims who seek to learn it, as follows:
What’s the meaning of Tawheed (monotheism)?
Who are angles and their traits?
What are Jannah and hell?
Why has Allah Almighty created the human and his role/message on the earth?
After the student finishes and passes this level, he can join the next level.
Fiqh(Islamic jurisprudence):
Fiqh is an islamic classes for adults science that explains the legal rules that Muslim scholars derived for controlling Muslim’s life after investigating deeply the authentic sources (Quran and Hadith, then Scholarly consensus). Adult islamic classes is divided into three levels:
First level
Al-ibaadaat (worship), those rulings connected to worshiping Allah such as prayer and fasting.
Second level
Al-ahwaal al-shakhsiyyah (personal affairs) such as the rulings connected to the family, marriage, and divorce.
Third level
Al-mu’aamalaat (dealings), those rulings that define and arrange relationships between people such as trade, contracts, and so on. The student will learn at the first level, as follows:
Obligations of a Muslim islamic classes for adults
What are the orders of Allah?
What are the forbidden deeds in islamic courses for adults?
The deeds are in five sections: required (Wajib), sinful (haraam), recommended, disapproved (makruh), or neutral (mubah). Also, you’ll learn the four scholar’s sayings on the key issues of Fiqh, including body purification, prayer, fasting, Hajj, Umrah, etc.
After the student finishes this level, he can join the next level.
At the top levels, you will learn, as follows:
Hadith and the islamic classes for adults history of the Prophet are divided into three levels
Interpretations(tafseer) of the Holy Qur’an(3 levels).
By the end of adult islamic classes, the student will be able to:
Recognize a lot of meanings as Tawheed and Aqeedah(Islamic creed).
Learn the four scholar’s sayings on the key issues of Fiqh.
Learn Hadith and know the relation between it and the biography of the Prophet.
According to the nature of the words of Hadith.
Hadith Nabawi- which contains the words that the Prophet Muhammad, spoke himself.
Hadith Qudsi – which contains the words from Allah.
The classification of hadith is required to know a hadith including dhaif (weak), maudhu (fabricated), or sahih (authentic) hadith.
Be aware of the interpretations(tafseer)of the Holy Qur’an through the hadith, and sayings of the companions and followers.
Islamic classes for adults are suitable for any age from 16 years and above. And it’s recommended to dedicate 2-3 times to studying this course.
It depends on the student’s skill, level, student effectiveness, and diligence until he reaches the required level. The student’s success and superiority are from the teacher’s success. Therefore, our teachers in an institution are keen to deliver information in a smooth and simplified manner and in a fun and interesting way using the latest modern means and methods that help to deliver the information wonderfully.
Commitment to the scheduled time for the islam for adults course class.
Using various modern methods, techniques, and methods that help the child understand the lesson and help him to actively participate during islamic lessons for adults.
Following up with the student and strengthening the weak points and working to raise his/her level to the best adult islamic classes.